Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Sneak Peek into Tonights Layouts

It has been a long and crazy week with Brian having to leave at 4 am for inventories, his car breaking down on the interstate, and having to be sure I get all three kids up and out to school on time.  That alone is NOT as easy a task as it sounds, I have one in high school, one in middle and one in elementary.  They are all on different schedules and have different bus stops and pick up times.  I will be happy to have this week over.  Oh..... But I also got the best news this week.  One of my very oldest and dearest friends will be visiting us next week!  I have known Christine since middle school!  She will be visiting along with her beautiful daughter Tehya for the weekend.  A very short visit but I am thrilled to spend any time with her! 

We have added a new member at BTDL!  Her name is Stephanie and her seller ID is Steph_1999...  She has the most adorable layouts and is a PERFECT fit for our group!  You can see her work by searching BTDL on ebay....   

Well here are my listings for this week.  :)  As you can see I was THRILLED to have finished my goal of 5 layouts after such a crazy week.  :) 

Thursday, January 15, 2009

New Layout Design.....

Since I started selling premade scrapbook pages on ebay, way back in 2003, I have been using the same basic layout design.  

The two main reasons are:
1. I LOVE having 7 photo mats, so much more options for my customers and 
2. I LOVE spending the majority of my time on the piecing.  

I have been thinking about changing things up for sometime now, and just haven't had the time to really put into.  Well, that is until now!  I introduced my new design last week.  I am pretty happy with the new design but I would love to hear from you and get your thoughts on them!

I will be doing my standard layouts as well in the future but for now I am having so much fun with something new!