Tuesday, March 23, 2010

This past weeks listings......

Sorry about getting these up late this week, these are actually last weeks listings, though they are still available on ebay with the auctions ending tomorrow.
This May and June are going to be very busy months and the planning is actually taking way longer than I wanted. Just when you think you have things together, ready to book flights, and hotels, something comes up. :) This year my oldest, Tyler, is graduating from high school. My mother, sister and mother in law, will be flying for the ceremonies at the end of May. Just a few days later, we are supposed to be in Maryland for Brian's brothers wedding. When we return, we will have about a week at home then we will be back on a plane flying to Hawaii for my Grandfather 90th birthday. It will be a two island trip so trying to squeeze all of that into 10 days is proving to be a little more planning than I thought.
I should be back tomorrow with my listings for this week.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Tina these are really cute. I think that baby carriage would be an adorable stamp.