Monday, April 12, 2010


We decided to take a last minute trip up to Boulder this past Friday. Well the actual trip wasn't last minute - just the overnight stay was. Tyler had an admitted student day on campus that was to begin at 7 am Saturday morning. Boulder is about an hour away from where we live so at the last minute we decided "why not pull the kids out of school and have a short hotel stay?" The kids were of course excited. We spent as much time as we could in the pool and spent the rest of the time exploring the town. The backdrop is simply gorgeous. The town itself has both good and bad spots, I think the thing I was surprised about is just how small the town is. We did also drive by the infamous "hill" at CU. A little surprising, but I have to keep in mind this is college and YES my son is old enough to be here even though I still look at him as my little boy. I totally now get why Tyler wants to go to school here, it is both a great school with an awesome program and the setting, it is just so beautiful.... I think my son might actually be moving this fall.. :( I told him that we are gonna be moving with him.....yeah, it didn't go off too well with him.. :)

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