Showing posts with label BTDL. Show all posts
Showing posts with label BTDL. Show all posts

Thursday, November 13, 2008

TUESDAY Trivia on BTDL's blog

Just to let you all know, the Tuesday trivia is still without a winner... Up for grabs is an adorable gingerbread house piecing done by Juliespieces. Head on over there and submit your guess! :)


Tuesday, October 28, 2008

A sneak peek at tomorrow nights listing, and BTDL's 8x8 challenge

Well the lighting wasn't so great when I took the picture, but here is a sneak peek into one of my listings for tomorrow. Once again, my all time favorite colors to use together. The princess carriage was real challenge to put together but I am thrilled with the result. Full layout will be listed tomorrow along with 3 others and a piecing.

BTDL ® introduced its newest monthly challenge this Sunday. Of course, I was a day late in my listings but will try my very best to make the Sunday deadline every week. I LOVE participating in the challenges and am looking forward to listing every week...

The BTDL® Design Team is delighted to introduce the “Just Right” pages, perfectly proportioned pages for the increasingly popular 8x8 albums. Each Sunday night, search BTDL on eBay to find an excellent selection of 8x8 premade scrapbook pages by a variety of talented artists on our design team. Because 8x8 albums are "just right", they are easy to display, pass around to show off, or give as gifts. You’ll have a complete scrapbook faster than you can say “Happily Ever After.”

Here are my listings for the challenge...

Wednesday, October 1, 2008

IT IS WEDNESDAY.............

My busiest day of the week! I have two layouts to complete, photo's to take and edit, and auctions to load.... Brian is out of town - again - so that always adds a little stress into the mixture.
I have so much that I have been thinking about adding on here but I won't be able to do so today. I just wanted to pop in and tell you about our newest contest. It went out in today's BTDL® NEWS LETTER... Here it is:

We at BTDL are excited to announce another contest for our wonderful customers. We always wonder what happens to the piecings and embellishments you purchase from us on our website and thought this would be just the way to get a peek! So click on the logo to be taken to our site for all the details on the contest. We look forward to seeing your submissions:

Sunday, September 28, 2008

My very first blog post.....

Many people have been blogging for such a long time and I have FINALLY made that leap! Yep for me it was HUGE! There are just so many things to figure out... but... I did it and I couldn't be happier....

A little about myself. My name is Tina I am a SAHM to three of the most generous outstanding children. TYler is soon to be 16 and is a junior in high school. CAitlin is 12 and a 7th grader in middle school. ALexis is the baby of our family, she is 6 and in the first grade. I have been married to Brian for the past 19 years. He is not only a great husband and father - he is my best friend. I was born and raised on the island of Oahu and graduated from the University of Hawaii with a Bachelors Degree in Business. I worked at Anheuser-Busch for over 12 years in many different positions, the last one being Credit Manager. Brian got a transfer with the Colorado Springs Police Department and he promised that should we make the move, I would never have to work again. We made the HUGE move to Colorado back in 2000. Though I miss the islands and my family TREMENDOUSLY, we do now call Colorado home. Of course, the idea of not having to work again was short lived. What could I do from home and still be around for my children?

So enters Ebay. I had been scrapbooking for about 9 years and while searching ebay, I found the wonderful world of premade scrapbook pages. Finally something I can truly say I LOVE! So I began selling. I started meeting people from all over the world, what a great JOB! How many people can actually say that about what they do? Can you actually even call something you love doing a job? Over the years, I have been blessed with the greatest customer base and some of the most talented scrapbookers I call friends. In 2006 I was approached by an up and coming design group - BTDL or Better Than Doing Laundry. At the time I wasn't quite sure what a design team was all about. I decided to join and see! What fun! These girls now mean the world to me. They are a HUGE support team and we are all such great friends! This past summer I had the pleasure of actually meeting one of these women in person! Julie (better know as BDULE on ebay) came to spend a couple of days with me in Colorado. Of course we bonded immediately! We speak almost daily now on the phone and almost every conversation starts with "I promise, this will only be a minute." Of course, it never is and an hour later, we are still chatting. We are looking for a way that whole group can meet. This is not an easy task. We have 13 members living in 13 different parts of the US. We do meet daily on our chat boards. Since our inception, we have registered our name, opened up a webstore, donated to a number of charities and we are looking into some special adverting for our webstore. NOTHING can stop these ladies and I am proud to be a part of such a group.

Well I guess that is it for my very first post! :) I have an order sitting on my desk and my fingers are itching to start scrapping!!!!!!!